Monday Mantra – I Release That Which Doesn’t Serve My Highest Purpose

Monday Mantra ReleaseChoose to Let Go!

Let's first address your highest purpose. We all have a purpose. We were designed to learn, grow and share. When we grow into our full potential or as we are growing into our potential, we begin to share our gifts and talents with the world. Knowing your highest purpose is knowing yourself really well and what you want to give and achieve in the world.

But let's be honest, we often allow things, people and activities to suck our time KNOWING that it doesn't align with our goals or aspirations. Why do we do this? Well, we do it for a variety of reasons which could include feeling obligated, getting distracted, procrastinating, being in toxic relationships and so forth. 

Now let's just say that we are actually AWARE that this is happening…that we KNOW we're being distracted or affected negatively by a person or people…and we're wondering how to retract from the behavior or company. It's not always easy – in fact it can be quite difficult sometimes – to withdraw from a relationship or change a behavior. 

Today's MANTRA is an offering to support the conscious decision to move forward in life and do what's most important for your highest calling. While you may not have the answers right now as to HOW to make a change, this mantra will bring to your consciousness the awareness and a "calling to the universe", your desire for information and wisdom to make change happen.

Release means to get free from confinement, bondage, obligation or pain. It also means to get free from anything that restrains. Is there something or someone that is holding you back (restraining) from accomplishing your goals? 

Now is the time to give yourself permission… loosen, dismiss, shake off that which is keeping you in bondage. Listen, it may not be a behavior or a person that holds you back. It could be you and something in your mind. Once you have an awareness of what it is, you can choose to  liberate yourself – emancipate yourself – to be completely who you are and forge ahead, aligning with your highest self.  

Sit still for a 5-10 minute meditation. Take this time to repeat today's mantra over and over, allowing it to sink deep into your heart. You will be surprised at how information or the support that you need will turn up when you least expect it long after this meditation. (Hopefully not too long!)

If you don't yet know your highest purpose, spend time alone, journal, pray and consider all that you are and want to be. Seek wisdom from the highest sources and work on this as it could very well change the course of your life and bring you more bliss than you can imagine. 


Monday Mantra – I Pray for Divine Wisdom

Monday Mantra Pray










Mantra – a word or phrase repeated out loud or in your mind which helps to manifest more peace and tranquility plus wisdom and guidance

Pray – to offer devout petition, praise, thanks, etc. (to God or an object of worship)

Divine – a supreme being (God)

Wisdom – knowledge of what is true or right coupled with correct judgment as to action, discernment or insight

Our Monday Mantra is designed to inspire you to take action for more peaceful living. It is easy to sit for a short period of time and do this. You don't have to make it a 30 minute meditation…just give it a few minutes.  Today's mantra is to be said in the present tense, like…"I'm asking now God!"  

Do you ever need advice?  Do you ever wonder if you are thinking the right things, saying the right things or doing the right things? I like to bounce things off of my friends, but I usually pray first. If I don't sense an answer right away (and need one right away), I will go to those who I know spend time in prayer…so I know they are seeking wisdom and not just telling me things I want to hear. I want DIVINE wisdom.

Some people will tell you that you already have all the answers in your heart, mind, or head; however, if you tend to do things your own way all the time and you think you have control and all the answers, you are probably not able to connect with the divine source of knowledge within. Answers come from allowing full knowledge and truth to be forefront in your life. Answers and truth have a divine source – the place of wisdom. 

So enjoy this mantra today. Allow it to open your heart to seek more from God and from life!


Monday Mantra – Relax, Refresh, Renew

Monday Mantra – Relax, Refresh, Renew

Monday Mantra R, R, RToday's mantra is fuller than you might expect when you start to define these three simple words. I like to use them together as a reminder to take care of myself on a daily basis.

Some of the definitions of Relax mean to make less tense, rigid or firm…to make lax, to diminsh the force of something. I like to think of relaxing as bringing relief from the effects of tension, anxiety and stress.  One way to relax is to reduce or stop working at least for a little while.  Rest and recreation can bring relaxation.  Allow yourself to let go of inhibition, worry and tension.  The Latin root of the word is relaxáre, meaning to stretch out again – to loosen, slacken.

To Refresh means to provide new vigor and energy by resting, eating well and drinking plenty of water. You could also think of the word reinvigorate.

To Renew means to begin or take up again, to restore or replenish.  Revive, recover and restore to a former state or make new again all help to define what it means to "Renew". 

So today, allow these words to seep into your consciousness for a little while – long enough so that you will begin to (maybe even subconsciously) start doing things that will help you find some restoration.  It's always nice to feel as if you've rested – like after a good night's sleep.  Sometimes you need to replenish the energy you've used up so you can re-charge and get on with your day or week.  

Say it now…Refresh, Relax, Renew.  

Monday Mantra – I Am Loved

Monday Mantra LovedWho doesn't long to be loved? To be loved is to be accepted, to belong, to thrive.  It is bliss. 

There are many kinds of love right?  We often think of romantic love first, but there's the love of God, the love of your family, the love of your friends and even the love of strangers.  

LOVE is beyond measure. True love is to be honored, accepted and adored just as you are. Oftentimes, people fail at showing love. That's why I turn to God, because I know He loves me. He adores me. He adores you. How do we know that God loves us if we don't actually feel like we've been loved?

In the Bible, John 3:16 says, "for God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not parish but have eternal life."  It's the only print record I know of where the love of God is clearly stated.  Jesus lived and died to show us that he loves us, understands our suffering and accepts us just as we are.  If we want LIFE, we follow Him to have it abundantly.  

You may not have this kind of faith, but you may already feel loved by "the universe" or your family, friends, partner.  That's wonderful, because it is proof that you are worthy of love (which you are) and you are enjoying the sweet gift of intimate relationships that I think God intended for humans.

If you are not feeling loved, you need to tend to the cave of the heart which knows great love for you. Just rekindle the fire by repeating this mantra…"I am loved.  I am loved.  I am loved."

Another way to approach this mantra is to say, "I am love.  I am love.  I am love."  If you are love, you can certainly love yourself and therefore you are loved!  In order to feel whole, we need to not just hear that we are loved, but believe that we are loved.  This is essential for your self-care.

Try it.  Sit for a few minutes today and repeat this mantra and then let your heart swell up with love for you – from God, from yourself, from the universe, from me!  

Remember, you are loved!  

Self Care – I Practiced What I Preach









I had big plans for January. I was going to clean my office, get my accounting all done, map out my strategy for the year, schedule a bunch of events and then…the flu made it's way into my lungs – for almost a month!

The day before New Year's I had a long-awaited massage. I was proud of myself for asking for a self-care gift for Christmas. This was one of the things my husband obliged me with and I knew it was going to feel great.  90 minutes of deep tissue, just for me!  But while I was face down on the table, I started coughing.  Right then!  My therapist was a little concerned.  I assured her it just started and I had no idea where it was coming from.  I had not been sick up to that point. During the massage, I felt a little sore…my muscles were not enjoying the massage.

That evening I realized I was coming down with something.  When I can't drink a glass of wine I know I'm not doing well. So, I layed off the alcohol and started drinking tea, with lemon, oregano and peppermint essential oils.  The flu took a couple of days to attack my body and then the chills, aches, fever and never-ending cough came. I found myself lying in bed watching every episode of Downton Abbey.  I started to feel real guilty.    

No business woman lays in bed that long and watches soap operas.  But I did.  I couldn't bring myself to do anything or even think about work.  This went on for 7 days.  The fever broke and the aches subsided, but the cough would not loosen up, so I went to the doc and got some antibiotics – AND an inhaler!  My first inhaler ever.  After a week on those, it still wasn't going away, so another 10 days of antiobiotics was the protocol, which then lead to a yeast infection.  Of course!  

I want you to know that I dealt with the guilt of watching too much television and just decided to rest, rest and rest some more.  I didn't sleep with my husband for 3 weeks so he wouldn't be constantly woken up by my coughing.  But I took baths, slept on the couch, caught up with my friends and family and allowed my husband to take care of me.

Something happens when you're sick.  You get depressed, down, totally unmotivated.  Your mind starts to think very negative things.  It's a good thing I'm so positive because I had to have these little talks with myself.  "Lisa, don't think that way, this is so temporary.  Look at what some of your friends have had to endure…you can pick up the pace again once you're  well…take advantage of this time and let it go!"

I don't know if I will get the flu shot next year.  I've never understood how a flu shot made with 1 or 2 strains of a virus can protect you from all the strains out there.  But I am considering the shot.  I really don't want to spend another month on the couch – this year or next.  

I wrote this to let you all know that I'm going to practice what I preach – Self-Care is important. We need to assist ourselves when our bodies are under attack.  We need to rest and recouperate, allow ourselves to recover and be okay with missing a few events, work or house projects.  

How has your winter gone so far?  Did you get sick?  Did you watch endless episodes of Netflix series?  Did you have to work through your discomfort?  If so, my hat goes off to you.  Leave your comments below and share this article if you think it might help someone.

Mindfulness Podcast on Yoga, Aromatherapy and Emotions

Check out this Mindfulness Podcast that my friend Yu-Jin  from Healthy Positive Lifestyle Network produced!  He interviewed me on his very popular iTunes podcast program and it was my pleasure to talk with him about what I am passionate about:  Emotional Freedom through the mindfulness practice of yoga with aromatherapy!


Now, get my free report, The Hidden Powers of Yoga and Aromatherapy right here!